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Envoyé : mardi 30 octobre 2018 01:38
À : mailing list: vdr
Objet : Re: [vdr] Advice for best hardware and plugins to play MKV files and receive 4K channels
Post by Karim AFIFI- reading mkv files => I am using xineliboutput and vdpau.
xineliboutput and VDPAU so I assume what you actually mean by mkv is
being able to play back HD or greater content using VDPAU for decoding
and xineliboutput to get the decoded frames to your tv.
Correct, my 4K mkv files are using H.265 codecs, HD files are using H.264.
Ok, I didn't know it.
Post by Karim AFIFINvidia currently has NVDEC but I can't speak to how well it's
supported since I dumped VDPAU for VAAPI a while back.
I just found informations here :
Post by Karim AFIFICould you share best hardware cpu/video/card,motherboard/..., & best plugin/driver/... you advice at the moment?
When I switched from VDPAU to VAAPI I retired my old hardware and just
spent about $120 on an Intel NUC, and couldn't be happier. I'll never
bother with video cards again for htpc/media playing boxes. And also
non-usb tuners. Low power/low space is my theme now so my days of
building pc's for this purpose are over. You might want to look at
other options unless you actually want a pc tower.
I am not looking for a very small pc case, because I have 3 x dvb PCIE cards and a Digium card (for Asterisk). I will probably keep my medium Silverstone aluminium case, and I will choose an ATX or mini ITX motherboard, depending power and efficiency.
I didn't understand which player/plugin you advise in VDR.
- MPlayer was very good but no longer works...
- Media Player in Xineliboutput is convenient but little buggy under VDPAU...
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